Monday, October 5, 2020

The Comey Rule: Actor Jeff Daniels -- James Comey (Former FBI Director) Got Shafted!


Photo: Hollywood Reporter

President Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey early on during his Presidency.  Some Americans were happy with the action while others were not.  Additionally, others did not pay attention or even let the news story (or its significance) even register on their radar of concern. Recently, the incident was made into a 'Netflix'  two-part series called "The Comey Rule".  A series definitely worth watching.

During a recent interview by MSNBC's Morning Joe -- Joe Scarborough,  actor Jeff Daniels suggests that FBI Director James Comey got shafted by President Trump and should be vindicated of supposed rumors of wrongdoing:

Additionally, actor Jeff Daniels reiterates in the clip below that FBI Director Jame Comey is a good man at heart and got treated extremely treated unfairly:

Wow!  Consider this before going to the voting polls.  Again, how is your life at the moment?  Do you believe that the top leadership (i.e., the White House) has your best interest at heart?

Think about it and show up at the voting polls!

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