Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Latino Population Needs To Be Respected More, Not Less


Photo: WLRN

Our country is made up of immigrants.  This very fact is problematic for many to accept.  Although, some will say that they are not against immigration -- if done the correct way.  "The correct way" is very subjective, given the variety of circumstances under which immigrants arrive in the United States of America.  One overarching stance taken by many is the disrespect of the minority (immigrant) populations.   

This is surprising given that immigrants are super crucial to the American people for so many reasons—some reasons which are apparent and other reasons which are not apparent to everyone.  In the video below by the MSNBC Morning Joe Show, interviews are conducted regarding the importance of the Latino/Latina vote.  More importantly, is the respect to the Latino/Latina population which should be about care and not just a vote:

In the video above, Eve Longoria cites statistics about the size of essential workers represented by the Latino/Latina population.  32 million eligible Americans that cannot access the polls to participate in the electorate process.  How is the bridge gapped?  

The confidence gap is a real problem for the community.  On the other hand, voter suppression is not helping each minority community rise up and participate in the election process.  Economic inequality and healthcare are a major problem.  The number one issue at hand is the American economy.  Latino/Latina participate and elevate the American economy.  

Why are they left out?  34% of essential workers are Latino/Latina.  18% of the overall American population.  America needs to be more inclusive of all participants and invest in long term success of the nation.

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