Monday, September 21, 2020

the American People Do Not Like Liars - Politicians Take Note!


Photo: Click On Detroit

Some people are content with politicians lying to them repeatedly over time about important issues.  Promises that are unkept or broken along with sounding like a broken record -- "I promise."  At the same time, more Americans are interested in politicians who keep their word - yes - keep their word.  That is why the current situation with the devastating loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is so important.  

We are living in a period of obvious broken promises with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recanting on his promise of 2016.  During which, President Obama proposed a candidate to replace Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia.  In response, Senator Mitch McConnell said that the decision during an election year would be left to the vote of the people.  Now, the opposite is true.

In the video below, MSNBC's Morning Joe - Joe Scarborough details his personal knowledge of these senators who are flip-flopping in the current political climate:

Wow!  What next?  Goodness, this is terrible. 

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