Monday, November 29, 2021

How Do You Deal With Someone Else's Outsized Ego? Ask Rapper JayZ


Photo:  Rolling Stones

Each of us has met our fair share of people with an outsized ego.  An ego that is about as big as the planet Earth?  Yes.  At times, I have acted with such an ego and learned to tame it back down to scale.  As I get older, my ego has been through countless optimizations -- and is humbled.  Taming an ego is difficult sometimes.

How do you deal with people with outsized egos?

Ask rap star and entrepreneur Jay Z.  What?  Really?  If there is one person who has been confronted by outsized egos from potential clients to bosses, Jay Z would qualify.  In his rise to fame, countless egos have passed him and stood in his way.  How did he get around them?  To achieve success?  

In the video below, he is interviewed on this very question.  Here is what he says...

Stay humbled. Learn and earn respect and cash.

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