Monday, July 26, 2021

Dr. Fauci Corrects Senator Rand Paul's Misinformation Campaign


Photo: ABC News

Politicians are great at spinning a message to support their claims.  Meet Senator Rand Paul who is a mastermind at spinning.  Senator Rand Paul took over his daddy's seat in Congress and continue to persist in misinformation.  Especially, when the misinformation benefitted the claims leaving his mouth.

Two days ago, Congressional leaders had a panel assembled to look further into the origin of the Covid-19 virus out of China.  Specifically, was the virus tied to research that was funded by the United States National Institutes of Health?  During the committee hearing, words were exchanged and tension could be felt.  

Senator Rand Paul moved in for an attack on Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Remember, Dr. Fauci is an expert in infectious disease transmission.  His work on AIDS in the 80's help control the uncontrollable spread throughout the world.  Rand Paul is a medical doctor by training.  

The exchange is an appropriate correction of misinformation spread by Senator Rand Paul:

Good job Dr. Fauci.

Critics like CNN reporter Don Lemon have interviewed physicians to ask about the authenticity (i.e., accuracy) of Senator Rand Paul's comments/assertions.  Below is a video of those interviews by CNN:

Stay tuned as the insanity of misinformation continues to rain (or reign) over the world.  How do we combat the misinformation by Senator Rand Paul and others?   Educate yourself on the science behind the assertions in question.

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