Friday, April 16, 2021

Levi's CEO Gives Opinion On Voter Restriction Measures and More!


Photo: Fortune

Raising taxes on Corporations is not attractive to pay for infrastructure.  But neither is restricting any American from voting at the ballot box during an election season.  These two issues are making their way through Congress (and also at the state level).  Where do we stand as a nation on these issues?  Seems like the nation is divided on these issues.  This division results from limited thinking on each of our parts.

In a recent interview on CNN, Levi's CEO Chip Bergh gives insights into these important issues (and others) from the standpoint of running a successful international corporation:

As stated in the video above is obvious consideration that all Americans deserve to vote.  Of course, certain instances might limit citizens' right to vote.  But, all in all, citizens without issues (i.e., a good record) should be able to vote.  Republicans are fearful of the large turnout that occurred in 2020.  And they should be.  More people are turning out at the voter polls and expressing their opinion in the form of a vote.

I would like to see more people of influence speak out in favor of voter rights and infrastructure development.  We need to continue to improve the nation.  Stay tuned!

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