Monday, March 8, 2021

Vice President Breaks Tie in House, but Republicans Setup Obstacles in Senate for COVID-19 Relief Bill...Why?


Photo:  ABC News

Today, Americans face economic devastation.  A COVID-19 relief bill is long overdue.  Republicans did not want to pass a bill before the 2020 presidential elections.  Americans suffered through the holidays.  President Biden won the office along with the Democrats taking control of both chambers of Congress.  Now, action, economic action needs to be taken to help suffering Americans - NOW.

Why have Republicans been so obstructive to any type of spending?

Let's look at some recent history.  President Trump has taken the Republican party hostage over the last 5 years.  So much so that the Republican party allowed (while in control of both chambers of Congress) to increase the federal deficit by 36% -- OMG.  Yes, you read correctly.

The federal deficit was around $19 Trillion when President Trump received a government credit card with no limit.  President Trump managed to spend around $8 Trillion.  A whopping $8 trillion without limit from the Republican party.  That is on top of a gigantic tax cut for the rich - which amounted to more money being paid by the poor and middle class.

Thank you, Senator Mitch McConnell, for the bill.  Enriching your wife's family shipping business.  Allowing President Trump to start a Trade War put out farmers - generation farmers who have lost their farms.  Wow-what a great politician Senator Mitch McConnell is.  He looks out for his people.

Not to get off on a tangent.  

When I read an article last night discussing Senator Ron Johnson's action in the Senate, I could not help but think of the devastation caused by the hypocrites in the Republican party.  The clerks in the Senate have to read out loud a bill over 700 pages.  All of this delay a vote to approve COVID-19 relief funds.  

Where have we come as a society?

Who are we looking out for?

Who are we leaving behind?

What about student loan forgiveness?

What about child care relief?

What about infrastructure development?

Deficit discussions do not make any sense without economic growth to accompany the discussion.  Economic growth must occur to make sense of paying down a deficit.  Where is the economic growth?

Look around yourself?  Do you see economic growth occurring at a rapid pace, as Republicans are portraying?

We are in a sad state of affairs in the Senate.  The Republican party desperately tries to make up for the reckless spending that occurred on their watch in the Trump administration.  No wonder why the stock market grew at a rapid pace throughout the Trump administration.  Economic growth should have occurred as the country spent recklessly—all under the Republican-controlled Senate.  

And now the same Republican Senators are trying to save money?

What is happening here?

Don Lemon of CNN nailed it down with an update last week of the obstructive nature of the Republican party.  Check out the video by clicking here.

Stay tuned!

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