Friday, January 1, 2021

14 million Americans Out of Work, Debt Piling Up, and Mortgages Go Unpaid - Where Does The U.S. Go From Here?


Photo: CNBC

Our reality-TV President has been on the golf post, while in between challenging the election of 2020 (which is over) and has lost.  Meanwhile, 14 million Americans are unemployed which makes up the gig economy.  This does not count the 5 million extra Americans who have already been receiving unemployment assistance.  Last but not least, there are Americans who are staying afloat (barely) with debt piling up as the pandemic continues to ravage the world and cause economic harm.  Congress is slow to act, Republicans are holding money up while blaming Democrats.  

Where does the U.S. go from here?

On January 20th, President Biden will be sworn into office.  Depending on the elections in Georgia, a Republican Congress could hold.  With Republicans thinking about the longterm effects of the deficit - which makes them vote against spending bills, the American people suffer.  How?

An article in The New York Times gives a statistic of one family with five children.  While interviewed regarding the $600 relief (per person) in the COVID-19 bill signed yesterday by President Trump, Jennifer Bryant, said the relief would be greatly welcomed.  Sadly enough, the small amount of $600 pales in comparison to the $10,000 that Ms. Bryant owes in past rent due during the COVID-19 crisis.  This brings me the elephant in the room - a question:

How are Americans like Ms. Bryant going to pay back $10,000 in back-rent when they suffer to hold on with assistance like $600?

The pandemic has struck everyone in different places.  My wife just applied for unemployment last week.  Life is not easy.  I do not understand what the logic of the Republican party is during a pandemic. There seems to be none.  My question to Republicans is:

What crisis qualifies for national assistance in funding?  Real funding?  Not just $1200, but funding to help Ms. Bryant?

If a pandemic which is sweeping across the world wreaking havoc on all economic activity is not enough to open the purse of Congress, then what is?  Where does the U.S. go from here?

When rents (past mortgages are due) in the upcoming March 2021, where will the money come from?  Did President Trump kick the can down the road to make President Biden look bad?  Possibly.  Regardless, the problem needs to be addressed soon.  

Don't believe me.  Listen/watch to the interview with former Trump staffer Anthony Scaramucci on Yahoo Finance below:

Each day that passes creates more uncertainty as more and more people suffer.  Action by Congress needs to be taken immediately.  Why is Congress on vacation?  They are letting the world down at the moment.

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