Wednesday, November 4, 2020

How Does The U.S. Protect Restricted Airspace?


Photo: Wikipedia

From 1996-2000 I had the honor to serve in the United States Air Force.  My job was to provide assistance to support the mission of the 55th Fighter Squadron out of Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina.  Mainly, our squadron supported the theaters in the Middle East.  The plane I worked on was the F-16 Fighter Jet.  I was an electrician/environmental journeyman.  Meaning, I worked on wires and cooling/heating air throughout the entire jet.  The experience was extraordinary.  

The U.S. Air Force has many missions.  The primary is to protect the sky above the United States.  This is why the news story last week of a civilian plane violating airspace was interesting to me.  The plane of choice in protecting airspace surrounding airports or urban cities is the F-16 Fighter Jet.  Fly by wire, fast maneuvering, the jet is crazy fast and good at flying at visible altitudes.

President Trump was holding a rally for campaigning at an Arizona airport.  Anytime that a high-level political official is in the airspace, the Federal Aviation Authority grants local airspace to be restricted until the official leaves.  That means, officials like the Vice President or President or Secretary of State. 

In addition to closing airspace, the local train/light rail system will also be shut down if the official is traveling by car anywhere.  But back to the airspace which involves the F-16 fighter jet protection.  I searched and found the following video to show what happens when a plane violates the airspace which is closed temporarily due to the presence of a high-level official present.  Check it out below:

There are many hidden steps that are taken by the military and other organizations to protect high-level officials.  Of course, these restrictions are also in place to protect the American people.  Concentric circles are drawn around large cities (New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles) to protect the people.  The airspace is protected by the F-16 Fighter Jet squadron located in the State, Local area. 

This is just another protection/aspect of life that is not immediately respected or apparent to the average person.  Which costs money to support.  But is well worth the protection.

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