Friday, June 19, 2020

Come To A Presidential Rally -- But -- Assume Your Own Risk And That Of Your Fellow Americans

As the COVID-19 pandemic numbers fluctuate with the slow reopening of the economy, the leader of the free world decides to 'shake it up' a bit.  President Trump does have access to privileged information regarding the world and its connection to the Coronavirus - COVID-19.  The question is: Does President Trump have access to information assuring him that his upcoming rally will not contribute to the further spread of Coronavirus?

The answer can be found on the campaign website of Donald J. Trump.  Below are three consecutive pictures showing the answer to the proposed question of whether President Trump can assure Americans who attend the rally in Tulsa (Ok) this weekend that COVID-19 numbers will not be affected:

In the first image, the campaign website of Donald J. Trump is shown with the upcoming rally event at the bottom of the web page.  Upon clicking on the icon for the event, the reader is directed to the second page.  After filling out registering information, a user (or attendee) has to agree to the following terms in the last image which are stated below in larger type:

"By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present.  By attending the rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President Inc., BOK Center, ASM Global or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury."

The answer is clear.  President Trump has no assurance that attendees will not contract COVID-19 at the rally this weekend.  Further, President Trump is following an old play book by issuing a 'risk release' to the attendees from any litigation.  "Come to my rally, but if you get COVID-19 blame only yourself...I told you so."  What a great Presidential candidate?

Wow!  Amazing how reckless the leader of the free world is.  Of course, after reading numerous accounts of business dealings inside of the White House during this administration, none of us should even be remotely surprised.  This reckless President should not be re-elected in November.

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