Wednesday, October 2, 2019

President Trump Is Imploding Under The Threat Of Impeachment - Here Is An Example

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

History is being made all around us at any given moment.  Although, I would argue that, in addition, to the history around us, unprecedented history is being made in Washington D.C. at any given moment.  Never before have we had a President who has lacked the skills in government to run a country.  Democracy built up over decades is what is saving us at this moment.  The most recent example is the President's behavior now that Democrats have started impeachment proceedings.

The Washington Examiner reports that President Trump has used language rarely (if never) publicly seen in a government (elected) official:

The president used the expression “can’t carry his jockstrap” to compare Schiff to Pompeo but supplanted “jock” with “blank.” The phrase is an expression meaning that one person's ability to do something isn't as great as another person's.
“We don’t call him shifty Schiff for nothing, he’s a shifty, dishonest guy, who by the way, was critical of one of the great secretaries of states, graduated No. 1 in his class at West Point, graduated one of the top in his class at Harvard Law School — the most honorable person,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Wednesday.
“You know, there's an expression, [Schiff] couldn't carry [Pompeo’s] ‘blank’ strap, I won't say it because they'll say it was so terrible to say, but that guy couldn't carry his ‘blank’ strap, do you understand that?” Trump added.

The video shown below has the statement made by President Trump:

The surprising aspect of this story is the fact that politicians do not normally act this way in public.  Of course, President Trump's supporters will say that the current behavior is part of what attracts them towards him as a President.

I sit on a neighborhood council in Los Angeles.  In doing so, I am required to take 2 hours of 'Ethics Training' were part of that training is to respect, honor, and listen to other people's opinions.  On top of that, to not put down, bully, or discriminate against anyone for their view.  The President has upended this tradition.  Which I find appalling, to say the least.

Hopefully, the elected officials will stop being compliant or complicit with such behavior and start moving toward stating their morals in a public fashion which contradicts President Trump's current behavior.  Someone needs to stand up and state the obvious.  Goodness.

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