Monday, November 5, 2018

You Can Be In Your Own Hall Of Fame?

Source: UWA Athletics

Success is relative and usually measured against a highly valued person or act in society.  Just last week, I was sitting at a board meeting for our nonprofit organization listening to one of our board members talk about the absurdity of the value (we as a society) place on sports players versus respectable jobs such a teaching, plumber, social worker, etc.  And he is correct.  Right about now, you might be wondering where I am going with this line of thought?  When we value a person's achievement -- such as a sport player's achievement -- that player is entered into the 'Hall of Fame'.  By the same token, each of us can be placed in our respective 'Hall of Fame' - which does not mean that we will receive the same level of recognition.  But who cares.  Do great work for yourself not for others.

About a month ago, I ran across this song while perusing 'YouTube' titled "Hall of Fame" by Script featuring  Here is the official video shown below:

Now, lets look at the same song without the story line (visual aids) but with lyrics only as shown in the form of video shown below:

The artists who wrote the song hit on a very important concept for all of us who chose to not pursue 'music' as a profession.  In any profession the possibility exists to be in a respective 'hall of fame'.  Furthermore, there are many professions which do not have a 'hall of fame' but are extremely noteworthy of their service.  In the video with lyrics, a few are mentioned: Students, Teachers, Politicians, Preachers, Believers, Leaders, Astronauts,....most importantly BE A CHAMPION along with BE TRUTH SEEKERS. 

Be the best at whatever you strive to do! 

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