Monday, August 31, 2020
Protest Over Unarmed Black Man Takes Place While White Young Male Shoots Two And Walks Past Police Holding A Gun
Friday, August 28, 2020
Big Oil is Ousted From the S&P 500 after a 92 Year Run
Opponents of the Green New Deal produced by Senators Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez point to the current demand for oil by the world. How is the world going to transition into renewable energy? This will not happen overnight. In the past few years, I have written (or pointed out in blog posts), that a slow transition is occurring in big oil companies toward the renewable energy movement.
Big oil is slowly investing in the renewable energy sectors as technology is developed, which is dependable at scale (see past posts). Further, divestment on the part of large investment firms has turned to look into sustainable investments that translate into renewable investments. Change is occurring at a slow pace. Which is sufficient for the moment.
Recently, a whole different indicator has occurred, which should stand as yet another pillar of change toward renewable energy. As the world realizes that renewable (i.e., sustainable) energy will play a larger role in the long term future, consumer demand is driving sizeable corporate investment. Not only that, but this week also marks the end of a 92 year run by Exxon Mobile on the S&P 500 stock market index.
Indeed it is. The shift in perspective of outlook toward a more sustainable world has caused an actual big oil corporation to be removed from a broad stock index. The news is merely incredible. The reasoning is that the newly added tech stock more closely resembles the 'new economy.'
Nothing more needs to be said, except: The world is changing. Where will your investments and standing be during and after the transition? Stuck in the past? Or helping to usher in the new future? The news is exciting and welcome, given the amount of gloomy and depressing news that has emerged lately surrounding the Coronavirus.
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Big Oil Company BP Vows to Produce 40% Less Oil by 2030
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Where Are The Restrooms?
Monday, August 24, 2020
CEO of 'My Pillow' Pushes A COVID-19 Cure With No Scientific Evidence?
Friday, August 21, 2020
Wisconsin Farmers Still Split With Supporting Trump?
Wisconsin has seven thousand dairy farms, roughly half the number that it had a decade ago. Yet the number of cows has remained constant, because of consolidation and the proliferation of factory dairy farms, some of which have herds of more than five thousand cows.
The statistic centered around loss was devastating to me. I am astounded by the fact that farmers are willing to accept the loss of farms as acceptable. In the same article, there was a discussion of suicide and depression among farmers about the loss of business or converting their crops from cows.
Additionally, the lead farmer interviewed for the article had this to say about supporting President Trump during the 2016 election:
For Volenec, Trump’s appeal vanished almost immediately. “If I had known the things I know about him now, I wouldn’t have voted for him,” he said, when I visited him at his farm in February. As Trump’s trade wars escalated, Volenec’s problems worsened.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Watch This Interview With A Former Trump Staffer Before You Vote In The Election
Photo: Occupy Democrats
Another defector of the Trump administration has spoken out about the known truths of President Trump. I did not personally vote for President Trump. With that, I will say that, in the beginning of the Trump administration, I had high hopes for great spending on rebuilding infrastructure across America. Especially, since what was known of then Candidate Trump was his impeccable business acumen.
In the 3.5 years since the American people have learned a sad truth. The optimism surrounding a new president (that is an outsider) has faded away quickly. Our country finds itself in a trade war with China along with a pandemic which has frozen the economy by sending people home from work. People cannot work. Unemployment is going to rise. Children cannot return to school. Who is going to monitor children left at home if parents are allowed to return to school?
We (as Americans) have no leadership up in the White House. That is an unfortunate truth. Read a few books about the former staff of the current administration and the picture will become very clear. We are in danger. Don't take my words for this truth. Listen to a former Trump administration Department of Homeland Security employee on CNN by Anchor Jake Tapper shown below:
Wow! This is information that is needed before hitting the polls and deciding the direction that America is led into the future. If you are not satisfied with the current status quo of the nation, go change the situation next election in November. Exercise the right to vote!
Monday, August 17, 2020
Farmers: Ethanol Volumes Likely Will Not Be The Same, But EPA Is Scared To Talk Before The Election
Over the past few years, many blog posts (see below) have been written about the brunt that U.S. farmers have had to bear from the Trump administration. The sadness or madness started when President Trump tried to negotiate a better trade deal with China. Which, over the course of 3 years has appeared to be a Trade War. Farmers have been the casualties along with the American consumer.
Now, the ethanol sector (of farming) is under attack. The Trump administration has refused to release the projected volumes for ethanol farmers in the coming year. Why? Because the administration is facing re-election. Which means, give bad news, lose votes. Reporting by Politico Energy highlights the issue:
WAKE ME UP WHEN NOVEMBER ENDS: The Trump administration is expected to punt on tough ethanol decisions until after the November election to avoid triggering a backlash from either farmers or the petroleum sector, according to several people in the ethanol and oil industries who have been in contact with EPA and the White House. EPA faces a late-November deadline to decide the volume of biofuels the oil refining industry must blend into the nation's gasoline and diesel supply, but the agency has yet to even issue its proposal, which is itself months overdue, Pro's Eric Wolff reports this morning.
"It's a no-win proposition because you're going to alienate (one or) the other group," said Tom Kloza, analyst at the oil price service OPIS. "To the extent that they can, they'll probably stall or wait. And they can get away with it because it's such an uncertain environment in terms of what volumes are going to look like next year."//Oil refiners are pressing EPA to grant them biofuel exemptions dating back to 2012, a move they say could allow EPA to skirt a January court decision that sharply curtailed the agency's power to issue those waivers. At a stop in Kansas last week, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler told an audience that the decision on the 2021 blending levels and the waivers was "complicated" and he could not promise a decision.
Sources in communication with senior Trump administration officials say neither Wheeler nor the White House want to inflame tensions over the ethanol program. Granting the small refinery exemptions to gasoline makers would infuriate farmers who have so far been loyal supporters of President Donald Trump, but denying them would be a blow to refiners struggling to survive amid the collapse in fuel demand because of the coronavirus pandemic. Until the administration decides that issue, the release of the annual Renewable Volume Obligation remains in limbo.
With the exemptions up in the air and no sign of the 2021 volumes, ethanol producers are getting frustrated. "If someone asked me, 'Has President Trump kept his promise?;' I can't say yes," said Monte Shaw, head of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, an ethanol producers trade group.
The most reassuring news from above is that last quote. The realization of the head of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association that the Trump administration has NOT kept its promise. One of the largest concerns riding into the election is that farmers will give President Trump a pass. That need not be the case.
Unless each farmer wants to go under in their business. President Trump has no idea how to look out for your best interest. What has he done for you lately? Ask yourself that.
Each American should be asking themselves the same question farmers are. Has President Trump kept his promise? How good is your life today? The view that I am seeing along with the shouts from neighbors is that of the frustration of the administration. There is a complete lack of trust and let down emerging from the White House. The time has come to change!
Related Blog Post:
Trump Changes NEPA Rules to Speed Up Industry Projects on Federal Lands
Pork Industry Takes Another Large Hit With the Coronavirus
Coronavirus Causes More Aid For Farmers and Tariffs Still Stand
First Fish Farm Needs EPA Approval
Trade Not Aid! President's Trump's Response: Aid Again!
Why Can't The USDA Regulate The Pork Industry?
Mitigating Pollution from Slaughter Houses -- Why Not Try If Technology Exists?
Farmers Statement to Congress Regarding the Current USMCA Trade Deal
To The House and Senate from Farmer's for Free Trade
Friday, August 14, 2020
President Trump's Hair Requires More Water In White House Showers
"So showerheads - you take a shower, the water doesn't come out. You want to wash your hands, the water doesn't come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair - I don't know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect," he said.
The one takeaway from the above excerpt. While the residents of the United States look for leadership from the White House on the COVID-19 pandemic or the race war, attention is directed elsewhere. For those who have been wondering where that attention has been directed toward, wonder no more.
All attention has been directed toward achieving a perfect hairstyle for President Trump. Everything makes sense now. Thank you Reuters.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
2020 Presidential Candidate Vice President Joe Biden Chooses Senator Kamala Harris To Be Running Mate for Election
Monday, August 10, 2020
Bill Gates: Update on COVID-19 progress as a Nation?
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has done wonderful work over the years. Foundation work is tough, in that, dispersing funding to projects needs to be well-researched to bring the most return for money spent. Certainly, without a doubt, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has done their due diligence (in terms of research) and has been rewarded with healthy returns on money invested in projects over the years.
Our planet is inhabited by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and is currently under threat due to the spreading with time. What can be done to combat this dangerous virus? Bill Gates gave a TED talk a few years warning of such an event. I wrote a blog post about the obvious discussion in current times about the talk going unnoticed until now.
After the outbreak of the coronavirus, Bill Gates was again interviewed and offered up suggestions that did not resonate well with President Trump. Meaning, President Trump was in disbelief and chose to hold onto the belief that the coronavirus would spontaneously disappear with the coming of Easter (i.e., spring). Heat and light along with Clorox (injected) would eradicate the coronavirus from the United States (and the world at large).
Since then, the coronavirus has spread steadily throughout the United States to reach a total of 4 million cases at present. Below is an interview with CNN correspondent Anderson Cooper of Bill Gates for an update on the current status of the coronavirus:
Friday, August 7, 2020
Senator Harris and Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Introduce The Climate Equity Act

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Big Oil Company BP Vows to Produce 40% Less Oil by 2030
ICYMI: BP LAYS OUT ROAD AHEAD: After announcing earlier this year it would go carbon neutral by 2050, BP detailed Tuesday specific near-term steps it is taking, including cutting oil and gas production by 40 percent by 2030, from 2.6 million barrels per day to about 1.5 million b/d, and increasing its annual low carbon investment tenfold to around $5 billion a year. Andrew Grant, Carbon Tracker Initiative's head of oil and gas, said in a statement that BP had "radically changed the game.""In the arms race of emissions announcements, most oil and gas peers have conveniently ignored the global need to produce and use less oil and gas — BP's production cut of 40 percent by 2030 makes them unquestionably the industry leader," he said.BP also said Tuesday it would stop exploration in new countries and cut its dividend in half. By 2030, BP said it aims to have developed around 50 gigawatts of net renewable generating capacity, marking a 20-fold increase from last year.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Ralph Nader: Speaker Nancy Pelosi Writes To Me!
Years ago, Elizabeth Brennan Moynihan told me about her disgust with the Democratic Party’s outside consultants. These consultants were not competent. They were arrogant, costly, and looking out first for their interests, not the candidates they were supposed to advance. She threw them out and personally took over her husband, Senator Daniel P. Moynihan’s successful re-election campaign.Bill Curry, former counselor to President Bill Clinton and later a cogent critic of the “Arkansas sweet talker” said these consultants stay hired even after losing election after election. They blame the candidates, not themselves, nor the way they misshape the strategies and insipid television ads (from which they take a 15% cut).Curry said these repeat offenders, whom he noted, make much of their money from corporate clients, have a clear conflict of interest, and are an ongoing menace to the Party.I was reminded of their observations when I received two fundraising letters from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Elected politicians long ago stopped writing their own appeals for campaign dollars. This chore is farmed out to well-paid and wealthy consultants flaunting their supposed smooth expertise. They must have scoured their brilliant insights to come up with this doozy on the envelope – “R.Nader, I Won’t Back Down. Are You With Me?” I wonder how much the consultant was paid to think that defensive and vague message would tempt voters to tear open their mail and lunge for the return envelope to send the dough.Bear in mind, this is the age of a Trumpian criminal enterprise and a destructive, rampant lawlessness, a hyper-corrupt Trump regime stiff-arming the people daily on the behalf of the giant corporate supremacists. And Nancy tells us she’s not backing down. Wow – what political ambition it takes to defend expensive Obamacare (that still left 30 million people uninsured and more than double that number underinsured), instead of bucking up to support full Medicare for All. The Medicare for All Act, (H.R.1384) would create a system that is more efficient and lifesaving with free choice of doctors and hospitals.Playing defense embeds itself in Nancy’s survey included in the fundraising appeal. We are asked to rank the following:(1) Defending choice (without adding maternal, neonate, and childcare).(2) Stopping voter suppression (without expanding known ways to surge voter turnout).(3) Protecting social security (instead of also expanding this lone barrier to severe elderly poverty and repealing the huge Trump tax cut for the rich and corporations. Note that both were pressed for by the ignored Bernie Sanders campaign).(4) “Fighting climate change and opposing Trump’s weakening environmental laws” (instead of displacing fossil fuels and recognizing the objectives of the Green New Deal advanced by Democratic Party Progressives).No mention of law and order for corporate crime and runaway costly corporate welfare, and no mention of telling bungling, dangerous Trump to step aside to let pandemic scientists, doctors, and managers run the federal effort to suppress the spreading Covid-19 disaster.Of course, a letter can only contain a few top defensive issues. So, the House Speaker gives us a line titled “other”, “to hear from” us as, she adds, our “opinions are important.”Fair enough Nancy, see the four letters by me and constitutional law specialists with important opinions that were not even acknowledged much less responded to by your office.I believe our proposals – available to all incumbents and challengers – will help citizens and Congress take America closer to the just rule of law and constitutional observance which will enable a better life for the people and the environment of our country.Granted your letter was very focused on winning elections. But winning elections without enabling basic mandates that translate into good livelihoods can leave voters with that familiar empty post-election letdown malady. May we hear from you?